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Predicates are expressions that evaluate to either true or false and are used to thin out a dataset.
They come in combination with pre-filters and filter.
A use-case is typically a Lua service which uses predicates to precisely choose a particular type of entity out of a bigger pool.
F.e.: FindService:FindEntitiesByPredicateInRadius, FindService:FindEntitiesByPredicateInBox etc.



A predicate signature is meant to scan all entities for the components given - either 1 or more components.
With multiple components, an entity needs to have all of them to be included.




Type reflects the type of an entity from their entity file.
For units it’s typically the type from TypeDesc with values like ground_unit, ground_unit_large, etc.
For buildings it’s typically the type from BuildingDesc with values like tower, wall, etc.
Multiple entries can be combined by using | as a character.


type = "building|defense"


Blueprint narrows the pool of entities down to the specific blueprint given.


blueprint = "buildings/defense/wall_gate_crystal_lvl_2"


Using the Team pre-filter, only entities of a particular team get selected.


team = "player"


Using the Name pre-filter, only entities with a particular entity name get selected.
The name origins from the IdDesc/IdComponent of an entity.


name = "_rift_station_"


Using the Group pre-filter, only entities of a particular group get selected.
The group origins from the IdDesc/IdComponent of an entity.


group = "spawn_cavern_spline"


The Filter allows to further accept or deny entities to be returned based on custom logic.
On multi stage filter rules, returns are added to include/exclude entities from the results.
A return true means, that you want to include this entity in the result.
A return false means, that you want to exclude this entity from the result.


Single stage

filter = function( entity )
    return HealthService:GetHealthInPct( entity ) < 0.5

Multi stage

        filter = function(entity)
            if self:IsTargetLocked(entity, LOCK_TYPE_REPAIR) then
               return false

            if not HealthService:IsAlive(entity) then
                return false

            local health = HealthService:GetHealthInPercentage( entity )
            if health >= 1.0 then
                return false

            return true

Full predicate examples, simple to complex

// Find all entities with type = wall
local predicate = {
    type = "wall"

// Find all entities with type = wall that also have BuildingComponent
local predicate = {
    type = "wall",
    signature = "BuildingComponent"

// Find all entities with type = wall that also have BuildingComponent and belong to team "player"
local predicate = {
    type = "wall",
    signature = "BuildingComponent",
    team = "player",

// Find all entities with type = wall that also have BuildingComponent and belong to team "player" and are instance of blueprint = "buildings/defense/wall_gate_crystal_lvl_2"
local predicate = {
    type = "wall",
    signature = "BuildingComponent",
    team = "player",
    blueprint = "buildings/defense/wall_gate_crystal_lvl_2"

// Find all entities with type = wall that also have BuildingComponent and belong to team "player" and has less than 50% of health
local predicate = {
    type = "wall",
    signature = "BuildingComponent",
    team = "player",
    filter = function( entity )
      return HealthService:GetHealthInPct( entity ) < 0.5

// Find all entities with type = wall that are instance of blueprint = "buildings/defense/wall_gate_crystal_lvl_2"
local predicate = {
    team = "player",
    blueprint = "buildings/defense/wall_gate_crystal_lvl_2"

// All this stuff is just lua, so you can call and execute functions to extract data
function GetSignature()
    return "BuildingComponent,HealthComponent"

// Find all entities with BuildingComponent,HealthComponent
local predicate = {
    signature = GetSignature(),